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The backend and context file¤

The backend runs a context file like this one, which contains functions that it will execute:
import numpy as np
from damnit_ctx import Variable

xgm_name = "SA2_XTD1_XGM/XGM/DOOCS"

@Variable(title="XGM intensity [uJ]", summary="mean")
def xgm_intensity(run):
    Mean XGM intensity per-train.
    xgm = run[f"{xgm_name}:output", 'data.intensityTD'].xarray()
    return xgm[:, np.where(xgm[0] > 1)[0]].mean(axis=1)

def pulses(run):
    Number of pulses in the run.
    return run[xgm_name, 'pulseEnergy.numberOfBunchesActual'].as_single_value()

By convention it's stored under the usr/Shared/amore directory of a proposal, along with other files that DAMNIT creates like the SQLite database and the HDF5 files that are created for each run.

When you open a database in the GUI the context file will be available in the Context file tab:

You can edit the file in that tab, and before every save the editor will validate the file. There are two kinds of problems you can have:

  • Errors (syntax errors, etc), in which case the editor will not save the file.
  • Warnings from pyflakes. Sometimes pyflakes will give warnings that can be safely ignored, so they will not block the editor from saving the file (though you should try to fix all the warnings, pyflakes almost never reports false positives).


Functions in the context file can be decorated with @Variable to denote that these are variables to be executed for each run. The @Variable decorator takes these arguments:

  • title (string): title displayed for the variable's column.
  • summary (string): if the function returns an array, then summary will be used to reduce it to a single number. Internally it gets mapped to np.<summary>(), so you can use e.g. sum or nanmean to compute the summary with np.sum() or np.nanmean() respectively.
  • data (string): this sets the trigger for the variable. By default Variable's have data="raw", which means they will be triggered by a migration of raw data to the offline cluster. But if you want to process detector data which requires calibration, then you'll want to set data="proc" to tell DAMNIT to run that Variable when the calibration pipeline finishes processing the run:
    @Variable(title="Detector preview", data="proc")
    def detector_preview(run):
  • cluster (bool): whether or not to execute this variable in a Slurm job. This should always be used if the variable does any heavy processing.

Variable functions can return any of:

  • Scalars
  • Lists of scalars
  • Multi-dimensional numpy.ndarray's or xarray.DataArray's (2D arrays will be treated as images)
  • Strings
  • None

The functions must always take in one argument, run, to which is passed a DataCollection of the data in the run. In addition, a function can take some other special arguments if they have the right annotations:

  • meta#run_number: The number of the current run being processed.
  • meta#proposal: The number of the current proposal.
  • meta#proposal_dir: The root Path to the current proposal.
  • mymdc#sample_name: The sample name from myMdC.
  • mymdc#run_type: The run type from myMdC.

You can also use annotations to express a dependency between Variable's using the var#<name> annotation:

def foo(run, run_no: "meta#run_number"):
    # Just return the run number
    return run_no

def bar(run, value: "var#foo"):
    # Now bar() will be executed after foo(), and we can use its return value
    return value * 2

Dependencies with default values are also allowed, the default value will be passed to the function if the dependency did not complete execution for some reason:

def baz(run, value: "var#foo"=42):
    # This will return the result of foo() if foo() succeeded, otherwise 42
    return value

Using Slurm¤

As mentioned in the previous section, variables can be marked for execution in a Slurm job with the cluster=True argument to the decorator:

@Variable(title="Foo", cluster=True)
def foo(run):
    # some heavy computation ...
    return 42

This should work out-of-the-box with no other configuration needed. By default DAMNIT will figure out an appropriate partition that user has access to, but that can be overridden by explicitly setting a partition or reservation:

# Set a reservation
$ amore-proto db-config slurm_reservation upex_001234

# Set a partition
$ amore-proto db-config slurm_partition allgpu

If both slurm_reservation and slurm_partition are set, the reservation will be chosen. The jobs will be named something like r42-p1234-damnit and the logs will be saved to files named r42-p1234-<jobid>.out (containing both stdout and stderr) in the slurm_logs/ directory.


Make sure to delete the reservation setting after the reservation has expired, otherwise Slurm jobs will fail to launch.

$ amore-proto db-config slurm_reservation --delete


The context file is loaded each time a run is received, so if you edit the context file the changes will only take effect for the runs coming later. But, it is possible to reprocess runs using a command line tool:

$ module load exfel amore
$ amore-proto reprocess -h
usage: amore-proto reprocess [-h] [--mock] [--proposal PROPOSAL] [--match MATCH] run [run ...]

positional arguments:
  run                  Run number, e.g. 96. Multiple runs can be specified at once, or pass 'all' to reprocess all runs in the database.

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --mock               Use a fake run object instead of loading one from disk.
  --proposal PROPOSAL  Proposal number, e.g. 1234
  --match MATCH        String to match against variable titles (case-insensitive). Not a regex, simply `str in var.title`.

Note that you must run the tool from a database directory (usr/Shared/amore). Here are some examples of using it:

# Reprocess all variables for a single run
$ amore-proto reprocess 100

# Reprocess all variables with a title matching 'agipd' for a single run
$ amore-proto reprocess 100 --match agipd

# Reprocess variables for multiple runs
$ amore-proto reprocess 1 10 100 --match agipd

# Reprocess variables for a sequence of runs
$ amore-proto reprocess $(seq 1 100) --match agipd

# Reprocess all variables for all runs
$ amore-proto reprocess all

Using custom environments¤

DAMNIT supports running the context file in a user-defined Python environment, which is handy if there's a certain package you want that's only installed in a certain environment. At some point the setting for this will be exposed in the GUI, but right now you'll have to change it on the command line by passing the path to the python executable of the required environment:

$ amore-proto db-config context_python /path/to/your/python

The environment must have these dependencies installed for DAMNIT to work:

  • extra_data
  • pyyaml
  • requests

Managing the backend¤

The backend is a process running under Supervisor. In a nutshell:

  • Supervisor will manage the backend using a configuration file named supervisord.conf stored in the database directory. It's configured to listen for commands over HTTP on a certain port with a certain username/password. Supervisor will save its logs to supervisord.log.
  • It can be controlled with supervisorctl on any machine using the same config file.

So lets say you're running the GUI on FastX, and the backend is now started. If you open a terminal and cd to the database directory you'll see:

$ cd /gpfs/path/to/proposal/usr/Shared/amore
$ ls
amore.log  extracted_data/  runs.sqlite  supervisord.conf supervisord.log

You could get the status of the backend with:

$ supervisorctl -c supervisord.conf status damnit
damnit                           RUNNING   pid 3793870, uptime 0:00:20

And you could restart it with:

$ supervisorctl -c supervisord.conf restart damnit
damnit: stopped
damnit: started

$ supervisorctl -c supervisord.conf status damnit
damnit                           RUNNING   pid 3793880, uptime 0:00:04

Starting from scratch¤

Sometimes it's useful to delete all of the data so far and start from scratch, for example if there are some variables you want to delete (though deleting variables will be implemented soon™©®). As long as you have the context file this is safe, with the caveat that comments and user-editable variables cannot be restored.

The steps to delete all existing data are:

  1. rm runs.sqlite to delete the database used by the GUI.
  2. rm -rf extracted_data/ to delete the HDF5 files created by the backend.
  3. amore-proto proposal 1234 to create a blank database for the given proposal.

And then you can reprocess runs with amore-proto reprocess to restore their data.